Monday, 2 December 2019


Sony Best August 27 at 2: Jamily, recorded her first CD in , implacability several successes. Monday 16 September See more of Sony Best on Facebook. May God speak to you through that testimony, and can build your faith jamily tempo de vencer playback

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Wednesday 22 May Monday 1 July Jamily, recorded her first CD inimplacability several successes. Saturday 21 September Tuesday 3 September Saturday 7 September Monday 3 June Friday 7 June Connect to Spotify Dismiss.

Saturday 11 May Monday 16 September Acaso promete e deixa de cumprir?

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Saturday 27 April Wednesday 26 June Tuesday 7 May Similar To Elaine de Jesus. Tuesday 16 April Wednesday 1 May Friday 16 August Friday 21 June I don't need to Stones in breads to taste That in the desert you are Taking care of me From a high place I won't throw myself Just to demonstrate your power I don't need to see phenomena to believe in Don't change our communion For the pleasure of conquering Palaces, riches Like a desert This will pass So resisting am And when my strength runs out Your Angel will feed me Worship you is what sustains me standing I won't lose the war Praise you amid temptations It's more than strategy May not see tomorrow But today I know That this desert will come to an end The Lord is taking care of me Translated.

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Tuesday 30 July Does he talk and stop acting? Saturday 13 July Wednesday 17 July Thursday 12 September Monday 6 May Plaback more of Sony Best on Facebook. Wednesday 15 May Palyback 8 April A new year, a new beginning, endless possibilities Monday 8 July Wednesday 24 April Monday 2 September Saturday 6 July God will never abandon you, not even in the most difficult times.

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Friday 10 May

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