Sunday, 8 December 2019


There are many ways to encrypt your data in the flash drive but I will give you best methods only which work great. If you are not familiar to registry editor or if you do not want to tamper with registry editor. If you want, select the second option for a hidden volume. Now you see your removable drives- BitLocker To Go option before performing this step make sure your flash drive which you want to encrypt connected to PC. Non-system partition option, encrypt internal and external drive optionally and create a hidden volume. We know that if our attention seems elsewhere, then our data may be stolen by somebody and the same way Malware and Viruses are also one reason to steal and corrupt our data. And if you want to disable the write protection so repeat above steps and at last 7 step change the value from 1 to 0 and click ok. smad lock brankas

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Go to llck configuration expand the Administrative Templatesthen expand Systemthen click on Removable Storage Access folder. Encrypt USB through Registry editor 2. How to encrypt data in the USB Drive There are many ways to encrypt your data in the flash drive but I will give you best methods only which work great. Encrypt USB through Third party software 1.

On the right side double click on Removable Disk: Put your important files which you want to protect from USB virus attacks. Now you see your removable drives- BitLocker To Go option before performing this step make sure your flash drive which you want to encrypt connected to PC.

A new window will appear which ask for password enter the password that we put in above step 10 then click OK After completing these steps successfully no one copy paste your data from flash drive in your PC.


Expand the option and you see Turn on BitLocker option click on it. If you are looking for a best third party application for your disk or USB security then this is a complete solution.

Browse the following path: Actually, here it is happening that, veracrypt collect your mouse pointer randomness for increasing cryptographic strength of encryption key. Flash drive is easy to carry and we use and share data easily in day to day life but its security is also important and necessary.

How to encrypt data through relative software before USB drive As we all know, sometimes we have more sensitive data and we do not want to show them to other due to some reasons.

Find BitLocker Drive Encryption and click on it.

smad lock brankas

Select enableclick on Apply and then OK. As we all know, sometimes we have more sensitive data and we do not want to show them to other due to some reasons. This process takes time according to your data size in flash drive. Type a strong password by using letter, numbers, upper case, lower case and symbols according to your grankas.

smad lock brankas

If you want, select the second option for a hidden volume. I am a computer troubleshooter and solve problem-related to Windows, Android and other tech platforms. Veracrypt is a best free open source disk encryption software for windows, mac, linux and based on TrueCypt. Non-system partition option, encrypt internal and external drive optionally and create a hidden volume.

Restart your computer to complete the process.

Smad lock brankas

If you are not familiar to registry editor or if you do not want to tamper with registry editor. Now, click on create volume 3. It creates many security features in Windows 10 which are very helpful in terms of our USB securityComputer security, different types of network security etc. There are many ways to encrypt your data in the flash drive but I will give you best methods only which work great.

smad lock brankas

And if you want to disable the write protection so repeat above steps and at last 7 step change the value from 1 to 0 and click ok. We need to enable this feature by some editing in registry or through group policy editor. Now in the next screen, you need to move your mouse pointer randomly within the window.

Rename the new key folder to StorageDevicePolicies and press enter. Now you need to choose dmad encryption loci to use, select compatible mode and click Next.

After selecting your volume size click Next. After that, if you want to dismount and encrypt your data then click on Dismount button on veracrypt.

USB or removable media encryption through BitLocker give ultimate protection to your data, especially for those who need to keep their data in flash drives, braknas different task.

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